VP of Business Development
Mrs. Mia Smith serves LY Electronics USA, Inc. as VP of Business Development, responsible for business development and public relations. Mrs. Smith has cofounded Lycos Inc. in 2009, where she was responsible for Marketing and Public Relation. In 2010, Mrs. Smith successfully raised grant from ExxonMobil to cover 2 years of Lycos Inc. marketing expenses. Mrs. Smith has also served as Marketing Consultant in Augment Marketing Group and LaCosta International before joining GlobalXLR.
Mrs. Smith graduated from Yan’an University Accounting program in 2007, and Texas Southern University MBA program in 2010. As one of the best MBA students of the Jesse H. Jones School of Business, Mrs. Smith has earned multiple scholarships from the Business School and its alumni affiliates, local Chamber of Commerce, Emerging Minority Business Leaders, and National Women’s Business Council. As part of some scholarships, Mrs. Smith was sponsored by Women’s Business Council, Ernst and Young, ExxonMobil, Home Depot and Jesse H. Jones Business School and attended multiple national and regional business conferences, including NMSDC (National Minority Supplier Diversity Council), WBENC (Women’s Business Enterprise National Council) and many others. During the two-year MBA study, Mrs. Smith has also won multiple awards at university case studies as well as local and national business plan competitions.